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Article: alt.alien.visitors.54681
From: Mark Hammons
Subject: 4-D :: Torii, torii, torii!
Score: 100
First 60 lines:
Torus: a doughnut-shaped surface generated by a circle rotated about
an axis in its plane that does not intersect the circle.
In 4-D perception the "doughnut" is the surface of what is perceived in
3-D as a sphere. Realizing that the word "torus" is a secondary symbol,
only a pointer or label, you may use the metaphor to visualize the
"surface" as space and the "interior" of the doughnut as time. The axis
is consciousness of the continuum. Glenda Stocks correctly points out that
"everything is in that torus (this is the sacred geometry angle...)...".
Objects have "objective" existence only "within" the context of the
doughnut shape. One reflexive complement to this is that objects exist
within the torus but not outside of it. Ergo, objective reality can be
shifted in and out of "existence" by states of consciousness. All you
meditators will know what this means. The existence of objects becomes
a function of the axis, which is the mind (mind in the broader sense of
consciousness, not discrete mentations).
Infinity, for example, is a 4-D function of the axis of consciousness.
In the 3-D frame, infinity cannot objectively exist. It has only mentative
"reality," a mechanism to describe the state of closure that is transcendant
to an object. In 4-D, however, infinity is the essence of all function.
Objective reality "exists" only when infinity is voided (or, actually,
rendered latent) by selection of particular node on the "doughnut."
The mechanism by which this process is navigated by living beings focused
in 3-D is the physical senses. The role of wave functions, probability
collapse, etc., is one way to symbolize what is multidimensional parallelism.
ETs *do* pop in and out of our "existence," but then so are we all the time
in quantam flux. It is useless to try and understand them in terms of
being from Zeta Reticula or from the center of the earth. It is useless
to try and label them as linear beings, from the past or the future.
Their existence is "higher" than those 3-D parameters. IMHO, this is what
the government is "keeping secret," for the sake of the herd; and there are
machines that can effect this kind of "travel." The device given imagery
in the movie "My Science Project" was an effective visualization.
One of the effects of using such an "engine" is that there are "ripples"
in the "common" consciousness, i.e. the shared "objective" reality.
IMHO, someone somewhere has activated such an engine; for when your 4-D
consciousness is, in fact, *conscious*, you can see things pop in and
out of existence as these waves pass through the "doughnut." Objects
that "existed" no longer do; new objects arise seemingly out of "nowhere."
(Yes, I am using linear thought in that metaphor--in actuality it is
the consciousness that has "shifted" into a "new" torus--but hey, this
is English.) People entranced by the 3-D construct will find this
incomprehensible, hence they will ridicule it for it is "obviously
Yet, look at the results of research into quantum states. The notion
of discontinuity between quanta is implicit. The only "thing" that
binds such discrete states together *IS* consciousness. Otherwise,
logically, life as we "know" it could not "continue" to "exist."
The Buddhist esotericists have this down pat--as well as a variety of
exercises to build the consciousness.

Article: alt.alien.visitors.54682
From: Michael Hanks
Subject: Re: John Mack
Score: 100
First 60 lines:
On 19 May 1995, Fionn Quinlan wrote:
> Can anyone tell me who Jonathan Mack is and ,what his credentials are
> and what did he say exactly about aliens on the Oprah Winfrey show.
> I know he is a Harvard professor of phsychology or something and that
> many of his "normal" coworkers want to get rid of him.
> I think this is an example of intense bigotry against new ideas which
> raises its head every generation.
True and True! My graduate advisor has known Mack over the last decade
and relates to me that he is a thoughtful, responsible academic who,
after very serious and rigorous study, developed his opinions based on a
slew of evidence.

Article: alt.alien.visitors.54683
From: Mark Hammons
Subject: 4-D :: Prime the Pump
Score: 100
First 60 lines:
For those intrigued with 4-D consciousness but who are having a hard time
with my transliterations, try reading TERTIUM ORGANUM by P. D. Ouspenky,
or WHOLENESS AND THE IMPLICATE ORDER by David Bohm, if you like math.
Engineers will find some of the earlier works by Louis Sullivan to be
well-focused, such as Kindergarten Chats. Or, if you have a good research
library at your beck and call, there's a wonderful old 1910 volume
called THE FOURTH DIMENSION SIMPLY EXPLAINED, a collection of essays
selected from the prize competition sponsored by Scientific American.
If you want something a little broader, try Richard Eriksen's
4-D consciousness is not directly perceptible through the physical
senses, only the mind. Simply remember that there is no independent existence
of something called "time" or something called "space." Those are convenient
fictions that you learned early on as a standard modality of thought.
Also, words do not apply in 4-D consciousness. Like the senses, you can
use words to metaphorize and thus indicate indirectly. Also, you are not
looking for something going on "out there." 4-D consciousness is an inner
state that exists within your being at all times. You simply must unlearn
ignoring it. These books are a decent place for the hardcore left-brainers
to start, if you are interested.
If you want a serious discussion of 4-D consciousness, e-mail me. I am
committed to expanding this awareness. My latest publication, an essay
on 4-D architecture at the turn of the century, is newly available from
Associated University Press (University of Delaware Press in the US)
in a large volume called "Life and Art on the Upper Mississippi, 1890-1915."
They screwed up some of the captions and pissed me off by dropping a number
of critical color plates, but you get what you can get from publishers.

Article: alt.alien.visitors.54684
From: Mark Hammons
Subject: 4-D :: Metascopy
Score: 100
First 60 lines:
To those enmeshed in the 3-D mental construct that has "become the standard
worldwide" (as someone said in an unrelated thread), any discussion of
material change without physical agency is impossible. The 3-D system simply
excludes the concept--even though chaos math indicates the possibility of a
butterfly wing's flutter in South America effecting the weather over Paris (I
believe that's the commonly encountered example). 4-D consciousness itself
*IS* the vehicle to which Glenda refers, and the "physical" body is the
reflexive result of that state. The two are not separate; the act of creation
is simultaneous for both. That is the very nature of being, which is defined
as the "condition of consciousness."
To use a linear system (language) in a 3-D context and speak of the 4-D state,
it is necessary to use indirect parallelisms: metaphors. This is the essential
understanding behind mythology (I can highly recommend a newly released tape
by Joseph Campbell called "The Way of Art" to get further into this
comprehension). In the petroglyphs, painted animal skins, carved bones, wood,
and rocks, dried palm leaves, canvases, papyri, etc., that are our common
heritage, access to the proactive state called 4-D consciousness is the root
message. I believe that ETs and UFOs are an expression of this awareness.
Zecharia Stichin may not always be the most plausible of writers, but he does
have some insight into this.
4-D consciousness is not about "knowledge" as a collection of linear elements
called facts. Facts in and of themselves are abstract constructs derived from
conditional observations. Facts do not exist in 4-D consciousness, since all
conditions as "accepted" in the 3-D world have ceased to have relative
meaning. The 4-D world WHOLLY ENCOMPASSES AND EXCEEDS the 3-D. The result is a
need to find parallelisms in order to communicate about it in the 3-D context.
This process works because of the enfolded relationship of the macro to the
micro summarized in the dictum "As above, so below."
Haiku is an excellent example of the indication by metaphor of the ongoing
continuum of conscious process that characterizes 4-D awareness. In recent
art, Impressionism is a similar accomplishment. Oral traditions in
pre-literate people are another.
The mindset derived from the dominant European world view often unconsciously
projects its own sense of "rationalism" onto historical cultures in an effort
to "understand" them. For example, since Western science holds that human
intelligence is an isolated expression in an otherwise non-intelligent nature
(we'll let the arrogance--rooted in insecurity--of that pass for the nonce),
20th century "thought" about the universe, life and everything is considered
the pinnacle of all human attainment. Hence all precedent thought is held to
that "standard" (an arbitrary conceit). Because the Western mindset is addicted
to linear material forms, the notion that an ancient people could have had a
superior insight about existence is excluded a priori.
Ergo, because linear logic streams have been developed that hold certain ideas
as inviolable (such as "physical laws"), the notion that earlier peoples could
have attained presently unfashionable functions such as teleportation,
levitation, and the like is "impossible." Yet, in 4-D consciousness such
"powers" are the equivalent of "physical laws" laws in the 3-D cage. These
"powers" are actually facets, or aspects of expression, of what is the
fundamental nature of 4-D consciousness (a unified field).
In 3-D, the idea that a person can "cease to exist" in one "place" and
"reappear" in another (teleportation) is defined by linear concepts which do
not have validity in the 4-D realm. CONSCIOUSNESS is the basis of reality in
4-D, so when the 4-D mind changes focus from one "place" to another (as seen
in the 3-D context), there is NO discontinuity of perception as would appear
to the "physical" senses and hence a "violation" of "physical law."
This is the basis for the "movement" of consciousness through the body,
through "sequential" lives, as well as the unfoldment of the material world.
When highly accomplished meditators have perfectly their skills, they *can*
shift from one "reality" to another, "travel" to "distant worlds," or visit
"places" where "physical laws" do not "apply" (ie have relevance), such as

Article: alt.alien.visitors.54685
From: Mark Hammons
Subject: 4-D :: Architecture as a Verb
Score: 100
First 60 lines:
From 1890 to the mid-1920s, both scientific and popular literature was
filled with articles by people attempting to show ways to access the mindset
of fourth dimensional consciousness (4-D). These appeared both as intense
mathematical "proofs" and simplified "poofs," but the goal was the same:
to earth" and express this understanding in a tangible way in 3-D. The
principal means of realizing this for most people was "organic" architecture,
which took root in the American Middle West at the turn of the century.
Louis Sullivan, the "father of American architecture," posited that all
things which have physical existence through the physical senses are only
shadows, reflections, and incomplete sensations of a larger, all-encompassing
existence that he called "the Great Life." The principal characterisitic of
this "Great Life" was enfoldment of time and space into one single unified
condition. Buildings, art objects, and in fact all things we make are a
cross-section through this continuum. Because they are enfolded in this
"higher" consciousness, these objects are actually crystallizations of
energy. These forms, like a bank or a church or a house, reveal the
awareness of the creators of their own existence in terms of the continuum.
This awareness expresses intangible qualities like aesthetic value, self-
esteem, aspiration, and reveal what is regarded as worthwhile by those
who create such physical objects. It was this inner self-awareness that
was rejected wholehog by the International Stylists and their descendants
who have delivered us to the brutal, vacuous, and alienating "modern"
architectural environment in which we now exist.
In effect, the most dominant form of power in our lives, architecture,
was used to focus our attentions away from inner states of consciousness.
Instead, in the name of "scientific" progress, an obsession with external
delineations like straight-lined geometric forms (boxes, boxes everywhere)
was foisted forward as some kind of salvation against a supposed delusion
called decoration. All of this went hand in hand with (and was an organic
expression of) the belief that the material world was the highest form
of "reality" or consciousness. Louis Sullivan died of alcoholism, in poverty,
in a cheap Chicago hotel, his "organic" understanding of the Great Life
left for dead, by and large.What was actually left behind was the
doorway to 4-D consciousness.
The 4-D awareness went on to incarnate again, as a sort of freak side
show, in the cascade of B-movies that arose after WWII about alien invaders
from the fourth dimension. The theme developed almost uninterrupted
for the next forty years in film, not to mention books and magazines,
until now it is an acceptable given in "science fiction" that a "door"
into another world can open anywhere--out of mid-air--right in front of
Our Hero and Heroine. It has even been made a comedic device, as in TIME
BANDITS, for example.
Popular culture has thus succeeded in establishing 4-D consciousness where
the scientific establishment has not. Science as a viewpoint is actually on
the decline in the larger population, which is seeking something that is not
openly apparent in the physical paradigm of "scientific thinking." In short,
people are beginning to look for spiritual values--and as Louis Sullivan and
those of his time spent their lives trying to point out, that spiritual
quest exists in 4-D, because the 4-D continuum IS the realm of the spiritual.
This has, in its own terms, as objective and orderly an existence as the 3-D
material plane.Bottomline: Spirit--whatever it is--has a genuine existence
that is not measurable in a 3-D context.
Yet there is undeniably a continuous presence in human thought and feeling
about the "Great Life." It is the metaphor of myth, archetype, and all
the other cultural permutations across human existence that have tried
to reference something that is expressed materially, but whose origin
and continuation refers to a reality whose material forms are only
In this 4-D aspect,as some have suggested, the ETs are emanations of ourselves,

Article: alt.alien.visitors.54686
From: Mark Hammons
Subject: 4-D :: Channeling ETs/Archetypes
Score: 100
First 60 lines:
One of the things that happens when you actually get a continuous
realization of the 4-D continuum is "omniscient" comprehension.
Of course, the reliability of this "omniscience" is in direct proportion
to the clarity of your mind. There are many "obscurations," as the
Buddhist masters call them, "defilements," and "impurities." These
are all related to the ego.
If you've ever sat in a barber's chair where both walls in front and behind
were mirrors, you have a metaphor of the ego. Reflections within reflections
within reflections, ad infinitum. This "false" reflection is in actuality
only a series of images that pass through your mind. You have learned to
grasp these, collect them (memory), and they have, through the process of
your education and experience, become a means of self-identification.
The mechanism of projecting this identification produces the phenomenon
called the ego. The ego stands directly in the way of 4-D omniscience.
The raw nature of mind is clear light. Not white light, not rose colored
lenses, not golden auras, but simply clear light. And there is nothing
in form, shape, pattern, depth, or point. This raw state is the foundation
of being. Our 3-D physical world--all the phenomena given expression by
the structures of the physical senses, the body as a whole--are like sitting
in the barber's chair. Each instance of being is one of the images reflected
in the mirror. All are discrete quanta (continuums) with their own inherent
boundaries of existence. The ego decides which is "real," and which is
"imag-inary," or "unreal".
The mind exists as a 4-D continuum of consciousness that enfolds all these
"existences," and the ego is a filter in the stream. The ego is a prioritizer
of the sensual imagery that develops from contact with the five senses.
It is a seemingly arbitrary discriminator in most people, but in fact the
ego collects through a structured mechanism and therefore is inherently
(organically or "reflexively") structured itself. In some individuals,
often called shamans, psychics, sensitives, oracles, dreamers, etc.,
there exists a psychological balance that is tilted more toward the 4-D mind
than the 3-D sensual world. Still, however, there is present the structural
predispositions of the ego.
When 4-D cognizers turn their attention to the inner continuum, the awareness
they attain is filtered through their egos. This mechanism of projection/
identification dresses the 4-D consciousness out of the available wardrobe
of 3-D imagery. This imagery is then made "concrete" when rendered in
a linear symbol systems such as language. It thus acquires a "patina"
of solidity in 3-D terms that the originating energy or impulse did not
In many forms of psychisms over the millenia of which we have record,
this projection is determined by the dominant cultural paradigm. Thus,
an experience of this pure light--processed through an ego that is rooted
in a human body with earthly concerns--can appear as the Virgin Mary, the
bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara, and so on. These projections make the experience
understandable and communicable from the inner state to the outer one.
This mechanism, which I have described only simply, is the basis for
"channeling" ETs and at the level of the most common denominator is what
Jung called "archetypes." The archetye is what all humans will experience,
and the myth is the local form in a specific time and place. Joseph Campbell
produced a rich synthesis of these many forms to indicate what we all share
in common as humans.
On one level, the "entities" are merely reflections in the barber's mirror.
In essence, they are the play of raw mind, given form by virtue of an
ego's predelictions. Such absolute description precludes your own inherent
existence, as the Buddhists have declared for millenia. On the other hand,
if you wish to consider yourself as real, then relatively speaking so are
these other "entities." In actuality, of course, your own ego and the
"information" of the entities is a single reflexive process brought
about by obscuration of the clear light that is your true being asmind.

Article: alt.alien.visitors.54687
From: Mark Hammons
Subject: 4-D :: Look-Psee
Score: 100
First 60 lines:
Clairvoyance means simply sight at a distance. Remote viewing is one form
of clairvoyance, and this was demonstrated in various experiments during
the Apollo era, as well as being on ongoing (but not loudly overt) trials
on the shuttle from time to time.
Clairvoyance is a function of 4-D consciousness. It is a basic characteristic
of ET mentality. All humans are, to one degree or another, clairvoyant;
this is one legacy of our adaptation as a species by the ETs. ET craft are
navigated by a technologically augmented form of clairvoyant function.
Here is a nexus, a locus, a synthesis point between 4-D reality and the
3-D human perception of what are only the edges of that world.
In fact, if you are seeing "edges" at all, you are not using your 4-D
faculties. The principal characteristic of clairvoyant function, expressed
in a 3-D context, is that you are seeing things "from the inside out."
This point is made frequently in the older Theosophical writings, particularly
by Charles Leadbeater (for whom I have no great affinity).
When you actually perceive (as opposed to mentally constructing an
Escher image) this "inside out" quality, a fresher description might be
that you are looking at both the outside and the inside at the same time.
In contemporary parlance, the watcher and the watched are the same "thing."
Since this experience is occurring in an "inner space," several important
qualities are revealed.
First, you are no longer in a subject/object relationship. Instead, you
are directly perceiving a process. In 4-D terms, you are encompassing
the full movement of an unfolding state of existence. You are, colloquially,
in two places at the same time, yet in actuality you are neither. This
understanding is the basis for ET propulsion and materialization/dematerializat
ion systems.
Second, in clairvoyance there is no "physical distance" to be overcome.
4-D consciousness functions outside of the 3-D concept of space/time.
The mind is equally present in all circumstances. Awareness is a matter
of focus. Clairvoyance is a matter of conscious focus. There are many
training practices that have been handed down through the centuries, one
teacher personally to another, to induce deeper awareness of this faculty.
All are directed toward attaining the unimpeded awareness of the clear light
of 4-D mind; clairvoyance and other "powers" are simply results of this
effort. Many teachers regard them as obstacles to be disregarded.
The Tibetan Buddhist lineages are strongest in this regard, but there are
also Sufi, Jain, and many other techniques for this development.
Third, in transcending subject/object relationships you become aware of
potential as an active force. All outcomes exist in discrete states,
but the mind, in 4-D, navigates through these channels (pun intended)
to find a "coincidence" or higher probability. This is a very complex and
highly subtle quality that must be considered, but cannot be fully
articulated here. Just be aware that manifold dimensionality is also an
aspect to 4-D consciousness. The practical result of this is that many
different outcomes arise from the same cause, and it is this point that
affects clairvoyant results.
Among the many descriptions that have been applied to clairvoyance over
the ages, perhaps the best word to invoke the state of mind is "transparency."
As the Guild navigator in DUNE says to the Emperor, "You are transparent
to me. I see plans within plans..." This fictional character expresses
an archetypal experience that occurs in clairvoyance. First, the diverse
machinations of the "secret" mind become obvious. Second, "plan" is seen
as only a schema that describes, like a map, the future. Plan, in this
context, means any human self-identification with a given environment.
Clairvoyance functions by "reading" (actually directly experiencing the
process of energy flow that has replaced the subject/object relationship
of the 3-D perspective) these schema.
However, as observed earlier, there are no "edges," "lines," or "points."
There is only a slight differentiation in the mind between movements that

Article: alt.alien.visitors.54688
Message-ID: <3piv0b$>
From: (Mike Hoffmann)
Subject: Re: NMR: Get It Right (was: Re: What ALL ALIENers should KNOW !!!)
Score: 100
First 60 lines:
In article , Thad Floryan wrote:
>Sheesh. If you're going to post a correction, post a CORRECT correction.
> NMR = Nuclear Magnetic RESONANCE.
Ack! mea culpa! I think my brain was at lunch when I posted.
Sowwy. ;>
Mike Hoffmann - Pencom Systems Administration Services
On assignment @ Advantis Corp. Internet and Multimedia Services
I am Pentium of Borg. Division is futile. You will be approximated.

Article: alt.alien.visitors.54689
From: Mark Hammons
Subject: 4-D :: The Edge of Knowledge
Score: 100
First 60 lines:
First, let me express my admiration out there for those people who have
applied scientific criticism to the ET phenomena. Hard thinking and demands
for tangible evidence have debunked many foolish claims and hoaxes meant to
deceive for whatever purpose. In many ways, I admire such precise and diligent
thinking. But I have learned through forty years of experience that the
scientific method, like Newtonian concepts about space, fails at a certain
threshold to fully identify and understand forces at work (and sometimes play)
in our world. This threshold or distinction, like quantum mechanics relative
to Newtonian thinking, does not invalidate the scientific paradigm, just
renders it irrelevant in the larger context. Science does not work without
something to measure. Measurements can be concepts like meters or inches, or
more complex mechanisms like Fournier transformations.
In whatever form or elaboration they appear,
measurements are by definition a heirarchy of agreed upon precedents by which
is determined a common frame of reference. The philosophical foundation
on which science thus exists as a system is linearity. This can be
summarized generally by saying "One thing happens after another," or
in the phrase "cause and effect." All of these modii are contained beneath
the overarching grand schemata of the "arrow of time."
How, then, would the scientific method approach something in which linearity--
and remember this is the basis for all scientific measurement and thus meaning-
-was reduced to a special case in the same way of Einstein to Newton?
With that preface to show recognition for the sincerity of many who may
read this, I must now venture to answer the question using a format, the
English language, which is itself an exemplar of linear form. It is no
coincidence that English is the lingua franca of science.
Logic alone will not bring you to the acceptance of ET phenomena. Like any
genuine conviction, such an understanding is rooted in experience, whether
that experience is an internal or external one. Yet logic can play a useful
function in sorting out the bits and pieces. Many credible people are engaged
in this effort. They are to be thanked and praised for all their hard work.
Some do it for less than altruistic purposes, but on the whole there are
a lot of committed and honest investigators.
The time comes, however, when logic--the quintessence of linear thinking--
cannot carry the mind forward. In fact, since logic is a child of the
parent system, it cannot bear you to a meaning outside the scientific framework
Linear logic is like the esteemed Mr. Newton when it comes to regarding the
ET phenonmena. So, like Steve Winwood, we must find "a higher love," so to
On the face of it, conclusive evidence of the existence of ETs would have
strong impact on our culture. There would be a serious erosion of the
traditional faiths, society would undergo substantial shocks, and so forth.
This is what is happening now, coincidentally, as modern technology envelopes
our lives in an entelechy of machinery and distances us from natural
biological rhythms. But, still, the presence of ETs could be viewed in a
linear, scientific framework. Say that ET craft were recovered and
reverse-engineered over a period of fifty years. Eventually, of course, the
truth would out, as it always eventually does.That could make perfect sense if
you are talking about a transportation vehicle that goes from point A to point
If, however, the truth behind the ET phenonmena exceeded the paradigm of
linear scientific thinking, there would be no frame of reference that could
"tame" the reality into a non-threatening model. Recognizing the inevitability
of explaining this to its population, a government would logically turn to
education over a period of time. This would have to be done indirectly, for
those who were "pre-literate" in the non-linear terminology. Images are a
time-honored format for this. In our culture, movies perform the same function
that stained glass windows did in Gothic cathedrals. Movies, therefore, are
the most logical medium to choose.
To that end, the general population has been exposed to a wide variety of

Article: alt.alien.visitors.54691
From: Mark Hammons
Subject: 4-D :: Killfile Reinstalled (ver. 2.0)
Score: 100
First 60 lines:
As many have urged me in private to do, I will cease my interactions
with the Ilk on here. My killfile is reinstated. Perhaps I erred
in wanting to see how deep the sewage on here really is by provoking
the cascade of abuse that has been heaped upon the author of these
As many have noted, as well, the lack of response to the content of the
notes has been the most revealing part. The ad hominem itself tells
the story of those who would control who posts here and what they
are "allowed to say."
I had wanted to remove the 4-D posts from here altogether simply for
technical reasons. This is inherently a text mode system. I want to
upgrade the conversation to graphics, which means the Web server I
have set up. However, more than a few people do not yet have Web
access. They would lose out if I stopped putting these things up
here on a.a.v.
Also, I regret if my little experiment in smoking out the controllers
here offended anyone (except them, of course). The 4-D posts are
genuine. I have not used them as a psyop. The reference I made to
my psych case study was based on the ad hominem spewing that was
going on, and not to the 4-D content.
Regardless of whatever Adams, Dombroski, Chen, et al, may regurgitate
in their lust for self-gratification, the 4-D posts are solid pieces
of writing and will remain so. But I am through being concerned with
these people, and so will no longer continue to respond to their
attacks. It is now up to you to make your own decision about what
they say--or don't say.
Thanks to all who wrote me in support of my posting here.