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Date: Tue, 21 Feb 1995 16:05:06 -0500
From: Germannvh
Subject: 1953 Chronolgy -- Continued

Mid 1953 The United States Information Service begins
to burn thousands of books in its 285 overseas
libraries. There had been no order to do so
but with McCarthy on the loose who would want
to have any books lacking "the correct slant."

Mid 1953 Behind McCarthy now are: Time, Life, Reader's
Digest, Chicago Tribune, New York Daily News,
the Hearst Press, Cardinal Spellman and
J.Edgar Hoover, pervert and homosexual.

June, 1953 M-K-Ultra and CIA cooperate with world famous
psychologist Ewen Cameron, who is at the
McGill University in Montreal. The funding
once again is through family foundations, Macy
and Rockefeller. Cameron began his career at
Johns Hopkins University in the 1920s and
1930s. Detlev Bronk president of Johns
Hopkins for many years; Hynek went to school
there. Bronk president of Rockefeller
University in the 1970s. Cameron's "control"
is Richard Helms, future Director of Central
Intelligence. CIA "Mind Control" efforts take
on new urgency at this time. Why?

June, 1953 In New Zealand UFO investigator (and friend of
Gray Barker) Harold Fulton and his wife are
terrorized by strange happenings in their
house. At this same time Barker is having
trouble with similiar events at his home.

June, 1953 Hynek & Air Force officer meet with Coral
Lorenzen, attempt to get her to do all the
talking. Air Force man is worried about the
"psychological aspects" of UFOs and says that
the government was "censoring the wire
services." Yet the press was all too ready to
print news of the way out "contactees" who
were destroying UFO credibility with the
general public. Hynek on obvious intelligence
mission. Were both he AND Lorenzen working
for the so-called "government"--but different
parts? Maybe.

June, 1953 Atomic Energy Commission representatives visit
with sheep men from Cedar City, Utah, area to
discuss the recent deaths of thousands of
sheep. Sheep had obvious radiation burns but
AEC investigators will not admit this. Paul
Pearson, one of the AEC people, tells the
local county agent that "There is no way the
AEC can let a radiation damage precedent be
established in court." The legal system in
the United States is the authoritative arbiter
of rights and responsibilities. That is why
the CIA has nearly always been led by a lawyer
from one of the nation's elite firms.

June, 1953 At Brush Creek in Butte County, California,
two miners watch as a very small man dips
water from the creek. A friend of Gray Barker
investigates and is soon run out of town by
the local sheriff.

July, 1953 Trans Oceanic airliner with many passengers
goes down in Pacific. Wreckage strangely
mangled and Green Fireballs seen. Pilots
frightened, Keyhoe says.

July, 1953 Soviets shoot down Air Force B-50 near Sakalin
Island and sixteen crewmen die. Secret bomb-
sniffing war continues.

----, 1953 Air Force jet crashes in Newfoundland, pilot
killed, after UFO intercept. This a deadly
time in UFO history.

July, 1953 Bell Aircraft, Martin Aircraft and Fairchild
get contracts to develop prototype high-
altitude recon planes. Kelly Johnson of
Lockheed shows them the "U-2" but the Air
Force refuses to consider it. Exactly why has
not been revealed. But soon Johnson would have
strong support within the new Administration.

Aug., 1953 M-K-Ultra sets up Dr. James Monroe and his
Institute for Human Ecology near Cornell on
78th Street in New York. Experiments will use
LSD and Mescaline on both witting and
unwitting human beings.

Aug., 1953 AEC investigators in Utah find that horses and
sheep in the Cedar City area may have taken
100 rads as a result of the recent atomic
tests. This information kept a secret until
the 1980s and the Freedom of Information Act.
Secret meeting held in Salt Lake City and
dissidents at state and local level are
reminded of who signs their checks. Then a
public meeting is held and radiation is waved
away as a possible cause for the deaths of the
sheep. Remember the performance of the "Air
Force" in July, 1952? This was the same sort
of thing.

----, 1953 Physicist T. Townsend Brown says he has flown
disc-shaped objects around his lab using
powerful electric fields. Brown was a former
Navy Commander, worked for Office of Naval
Research during World War II--on Rainbow? Had
a "breakdown" at the end of 1943 and retired.
Founded NICAP in 1956 and Keyhoe would take it
away from him, only to lose it to the CIA in
the early 1970s. Or was Keyhoe CIA?

Aug 1953 On the 20th a mini-fireball goes through a
road sign near New Haven, Conn., and metal
residue is sent to Oak Ridge for analysis.
Whole town hears of it.

----, 1953 Contactee George Van Tassell founds his
Ministry of Universal Wisdom and publishes his
I rode In A Flying Saucer. Van Tassell was a
personal flight instructor for Howard Hughes
in the 1940s. Later worked for Lockheed.

Aug., 1953 AF-220-2 established. No public UFO reports.
Keyhoe cut off, Al Chop fired. Military purge
right around the corner. Chop would land on
his feet, going to Douglas Aircraft as a press
person, stayed there through 1962.

Aug., 1953 An FBI agent visits Gray Barker and asks him
what he is doing.

Sept, 1953 Journalist David Douglas Duncan gets a
realistic story on Indo-China into Life, in
part by telling his editor that Luce would
never publish it. This draws a sharp rebuke
from Luce, who says that "A totally true story
is often wrong."

Sept, 1953 Albert Bender says he has been "shut down" by
three Men In Black. At this time he has
representatives in all 48 states and in 5
foreign countries. The three men told Bender
"the secret of the saucers" and then swore him
to secrecy. The MIB are then said to edit the
next issue of his Space Review.

Oct., 1953 Leaks in press about huge object seen in
equatorial orbit around the Earth, 600 miles
out. Later, another large object is said to
go into orbit at 400 miles range. Could this
have been the cause of the "alert" and crash
programs of late 1953? Were they the result
of Tombaugh's study? In the 1970s Warren
Smith will say that his CIA sources told him
that over a dozen objects had been seen on
radar orbiting the Earth at distances between
100 and 500 miles.

Fall, 1953 CIA returns "correct" people to power in Iran
and Kermit Roosevelt (Mobil, CIA) is a prime
mover behind plot.

Oct., 1953 Keyhoe's Flying Saucers From Outer Space is
published. Claims that some sort of alien
contact may have been made with government and
that an invasion could be in the offing.
Tells of leaked Air Force "Estimate of the
Situation" that says alien race has been
looking over the Earth for a long time with
possible occupation a goal. Implies contact
and communication, fits in with very well with
the Ruppelt book of 1956 and, believe it or not,
with Lear material of 35 years later.

Oct., 1953 Gray Barker and others quiz Bender about his
three MIBs and his withdrawal from ufology.
He talks about "the Black Saucerians" and how
even Eisenhower had not been told the secrets
he had been given by the government. This was
the effective end of Bender and his

Late 1953 Member of Ford Foundation complains to friends
that "many university professors are being
silenced by the general atmosphere that
prevails." This, of course, was the whole
idea behind that "general atmosphere." By
this time thousands of "opinion leaders" are
losing their jobs as the McCarthy purge is
reaching even the high-school level.

Late 1953 Henry Luce shown Time reporter's story telling
how Chiang has used his secret police to
exterminate all political opposition on
Formosa. Luce kills the story.

Oct., 1953 AEC study reproduces Beta burns on sheep and
shows that damage to fetal lambs is one result
of exposure to fallout. This study results in
emergency meeting of AEC people and
representatives of both U.S. and Utah health
officials. The entire testing program is
threatened. The upshot of the meeting is that
no official will say anything, all sign off on
an innocuous document about radiation hazards.
At the next meeting with the sheep men the AEC
representatives call them "dumb sheep farmers
who aren't qualified to make any judgment at
all." That very day, one of the farmers, a
man named Joe Clark, whose herd had nearly all
died, suffers a fatal heart attack--one hour
after being called a "dumb sheep farmer."

Oct., 1953 Soviets release their German rocket people and
they are "debriefed." We find out USSR might
have advanced ICBM program. Crash programs
begin to build ICBMs, satellites--which could
have been put in hand five years earlier!

End, Part II