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Date: Thu, 23 Mar 1995 08:07:45 -0500
From: Germannvh
Subject: UFO Chronology -- 1912-18

UFO Chronology -- 1912-18

Columbia, Missouri 65203

The Age Of The World Wars --

July, 1912 The United States signs an international
treaty guaranteeing the confidentiality of
all radio transmissions. This agreement has
been more honored in the breach.

Fall, 1912 Henry Luce off to boarding school in England,
St. Albans, still a protege of the McCormick
family. See 1916.

Feb., 1913 Observers U.S. and Canada see "meteors" in
groups traveling in straight lines, dozens of
them. Explained away as "Cyrillid" meteors.
Contemporary accounts talk of the "formation"
of objects moving at constant speed. Seen
all across the Eastern United States and in
Bermuda as well. Meteor observer Denning
speaks of the "formation" looking like a
fleet of battleships in the sky.

----, 1913 Rutherford's student, Bohr, postulates his
atom at about the same time that H.G. Wells
is writing The World Set Free, in which most
of Europe is destroyed by 200 "atomic bombs."

Mar., 1913 Airships in England & Wales. Entire nation
up in arms, watching for "German Airships"
carrying lights powerful enough to illuminate
whole hillsides. But nothing is seen to
cross the coast, the Germans deny it all and,
anyway, the idea of "airships" carrying
powerful lights is silly.

----, 1913 Rockefeller Foundation established through a
special act of the New York State Legislature
after Congress refuses John D. Rockefeller I.
JDRI's public position has been weakened by
the recent Standard Oil scandals but Rev.
Gates has a plan to recover the situation and
at the same time protect the Rockefeller
fortune from proposed inheritance taxes. The
"Philanthropic Foundations" will soon explode
into prominence and make JDRI a "benefactor."

----, 1913 Miners strike in Colorado and
"strikebreakers" (hired thugs) fire into
mining camp, killing dozens of women and

----, 1913 Game warden in Arizona sees flying "silver
plate" overhead, only a few hundred feet up.
Object bright, hurts eyes.

----, 1914 Rockefeller I has personal wealth estimated
at $1.4 Billion. Average man made $0.50/day.

Apr., 1914 More violence in Colorado as the "Wobblies"
are being wiped out by the state militia and
the private police of the mining company, of
which Rockefeller II is a director. The
weapons for the final attack are stored at
newspaper offices owned by the Rockefellers.
At this time the 12-hour day, 7-day week the
norm--for children!

----, 1914 World War I begins and the United States
gears up for an international role. The
income tax passes and the Federal Reserve
System, a private banking corsortium, is
legislated into existence under the
leadership of Senate Finance Committee
Chairman William Aldrich, a Rockefeller
in-law. The Fed becomes in effect the new
U.S. central bank.

----, 1914 Navy sets up its own Code And Communication
Service and part of its job is to intercept
"enemy" communications even thought the U.S.
not "at war" --yet.

----, 1914 Congressional investigation of Standard Oil
Companies calls it "an invisible government,"
a title decades in advance of what the CIA
would be called in the 1960s. It is
important to realize that Standard Oil
tactics are the same as those the CIA will
use in the 1950s and 60s. In fact, when you
consider who people like Allen Dulles were
(lawyers for Standard Oil companies) the
"Standard Oil" BECAME CIA during the World
War II years!

----, 1914 Woodrow Wilson re-elected, "He kept us out of
war," was the campaign slogan. But we know
what happened. Like Lyndon Johnson would in
the 1960s, operative Wilson wasted little
time getting the United States into a war on
the side of our hereditary elits.

----, 1915 David Rockefeller, who will lead clan by
1965, is born. Will head the Chase Bank.

----, 1915 Lusitania sunk by German submarine after
strange lapse on the part of British
Admiralty and Winston Churchill, who was
married into a wealthy American family.
Lusitania probably carrying munitions in
violation of international law--every Cunard
ship a Royal Navy ship under the skin.

----, 1915 Several "Philanthropic Foundations" in
America call for the building of thousands of
asylums for the "insane and the infirm."
These become the first concentration camps of
the still-new Twentieth Century.

Aug., 1915 British Regiment disappears on Hill 60, in
the Dardanelles. Several "peculiar clouds"
like fog banks are on the ground and regiment
marches into one, never comes out.

May, 1916 Herbert O. Yardley breaks the U.S. diplomatic
code in State Department test. But he says
"the War Department will soon rule America"
and within weeks is working there.

----, 1916 United States into World War I to save the
investments of the Morgan Bank and the Du
Ponts, others who had interests in the fading
British Empire. Our elites fear a new
"Continental System" under German rather than
Napoleonic auspices. This the real cause of
the war, that and the fact that the whole
world had been divided up by this time and
the European powers were competing directly
for colonies and power, as 100 years earlier.

----, 1916 Henry Luce at Yale, becomes the editor of his
class newspaper, will be inducted into Skull
& Bones. See 1919.

June, 1917 Yardley goes to work for Army Intelligence,
MI-8, the code and cipher bureau. By the
middle of 1917 the Army had total access to
all cables, as they would in 1960s & 70s.

Fall, 1917 Huge, multicolored object hovers over family
of UFO investigator-to-be Raymond Fowler.
Incident occurs at Bar Harbor, Maine, near
summer homes of Rockefellers, Morgans. See
The Watchers, 1990.

Oct., 1917 Thousands witness Fatima in which a
"shining being" is seen. Seventy thousand
people (!) observe the "Sun falling" and
"black rain." Prophecy about an "unknown
light" foreshadowing a new war. See 1960,
1981. See Appendix on Virgin Mary.

----, 1917 The Vatican not entirely displeased with the
Russian Revolution since the Russian Orthodox
church, a rival to Rome, is being wiped out.
Who says the Church is not rational?

----, 1918 German doctor Ziegler writes that large camps
should be set up to house the sick and
infirm. This book wins the 1920 Krupp
Foundation prize for the best application of
Social Darwinism to state politics. See 1933.

----, 1918 Allen Dulles, future DCI, is 23 years old and
in charge of U.S. "intelligence activities"
in Berne, Switzerland. Has an affair with
the daughter of famous psychologist Jung,
delivers "a pretty girl spy" to British for
execution. Edith Rockefeller/McCormick a
patient of Jung at this time.

----, 1918 William Donovan rises from the ranks to
Colonel in the U.S. Army. Then fights in
Russia with the U.S. invasion of 1919.
Donovan a boyhood friend of Allen Dulles
whose brother, John Foster, will be a future
chairman of the Rockefeller Foundation.

----, 1918 Sosthenes Behn, a sugar refiner in Bahamas,
takes over the telephones in Cuba and The
Virgin Islands as a result of defaults on
loans. He soon is made a Colonel in the U.S.
Signal Corps, helps spy on England and
Germany using his phone system.

----, 1918 Rockefellers set up The Foreign Policy
Association, one of the first "think tanks,"
pays academics and politicians to debate the
effect of the war on America's economic
future. This is one way to keep those people
quiet--fat checks.